
モルガン・スタンレー・ホールディングス株式会社より、本会が展開する「支える人を支えよう!赤い羽根 新型コロナ感染下の福祉活動応援全国キャンペーン」に対して、多額のご寄付をいただきました。

多大なるご支援ご協力に対し、モルガン・スタンレー・ホールディングス株式会社代表取締役社長 田村 浩四郎 (アルベルト)様(写真左)に、本会副会長 古都賢一(写真右)より感謝状の贈呈を行いました。






CCCJ reported and presented a certificate of appreciation
for the donation from Morgan Stanley Japan Holdings Co., Ltd.

Central Community Chest of Japan has received a large amount of donation from Morgan Stanley Japan Holdings Co., Ltd. towards one of CCCJ`s charity campaigns “Let’s support those who support people in trouble! – Akai Hane Covid-19 related welfare activity support”.
Mr. Kenichi Furuichi (right), Vice President of Central Community Chest of Japan, presented a certificate of appreciation to
Mr. Alberto Tamura (left), President and Chief Executive Officer of Morgan Stanley Japan Holdings Co., Ltd. for their generous support and cooperation.
Their donation will be used as a grant to support welfare activities under COVID-19 infection, and for urgent support activities such as food bank. CCCJ sincerely appreciates their generous support.

※Central Community Chest, also known as the Red Feather, has historically been a leader in solving social issues. By working directly with local residents, Central Community Chest forms strategies that are in line with their specific needs.

Morgan Stanley Japan Holdings Co., Ltd.

Presentation of a certificate of appreciation from Central Community Chest of Japan to Morgan Stanley Japan Holdings Co., Ltd.